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Articles for Breast Surgery

Teen Breast Augmentation: How Soon is Too Soon?

If your teen wants breast augmentation for their birthday, what should you do? How soon is too soon for breast implants? This helpful guide for parents and teens will help you determine what your options are regarding breast augmentation for teenage patients. If you have any questions, give us a call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Sato. Breast Deformities and Implants Many of the general guidelines you’ll see in this article and elsewhere on the internet regarding teens and breast implants are focused on surgeries for cosmetic reasons only. For teens facing deformities or irregularities in their breast formation, breast implants […]

Could Breast Reconstruction Boost Your Self Esteem?

For many women losing a breast is one of the harder parts of breast cancer. They may struggle with feelings of loss, feel that their femininity is somehow lessened, or experience lower self-esteem. Every time they look in the mirror they are reminded of their cancer and the huge impact it is having on their life. Some women feel like they no longer know themselves, like their very identities have been stripped away. While this situation isn’t easy for anyone, for many breast reconstruction is an option that can increase self-esteem and help women feel better throughout their breast cancer […]

The Inside Scoop on Breast Implant Placement

If you were to ask someone who knew nothing about plastic surgery about breast implant placement, you’d probably get nothing more than a confused look and possibly the question, “Aren’t breast implants placed in the breast?” Ask that same question to a plastic surgeon and you’ll quickly learn that breast implant placement is a lot more complex. If you’re considering breast augmentation, let’s take a quick look at your placement options. Over the Muscle or Under? When it comes to breast implant placement there are two primary options: subglandular (over the pectoral muscle) or subpectoral (under the pectoral muscle). Both have their […]

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