If performed alone, a thigh lift is usually an outpatient procedure performed under IV sedation and a local anesthetic at an in-office operating room or under general anesthesia at an ambulatory surgery center.
If a thigh lift is performed as part of a larger set of procedures, such as post-bariatric surgery, it may be done under general anesthesia in a facility with overnight capabilities.
This procedure could target the inner or outer thigh, depending on the patient’s desires. An inner thigh lift, which is much more common, requires an incision in the groin area that sometimes extends around the back of the thigh along the infra-gluteal crease (crescent thigh lift) or an incision that extends from the groin area to the knee along the medial aspect of the thigh (vertical thigh lift).
A crescent thigh lift is indicated if the loose skin is limited to the upper 1/3 of the inner thigh. A vertical thigh lift is indicated if the loose skin involves more than the upper 1/3 of the inner thigh.
Outer thigh lifts are relatively rare and are only performed on a specific subset of patients because liposuction and/or body/butt lift will usually produce better results for this troublesome area.