In Houston

Is Upper Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

By Dr. Sato

Upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, lifts sagging upper eyelids. This surgery not only rejuvenates your eyes, it also helps those with a limited field of vision due to excess upper-eyelid skin. Is upper eyelid surgery right for you?

Do You Look Much Older Than You Really Are?

The face is one of the first areas that people look at to judge a person’s age. As you age, your skin will start to become less elastic and saggier. Unfortunately, when this happens to your eyelids, it can make you appear much older than you actually are. It can also result in a constantly tired or frustrated appearance.

Are You Experiencing Peripheral Vision Issues?

Some people experience overly weakened upper eyelid muscles that cause their eyelids to droop so low that they obscure their peripheral vision. This problem can make simple tasks like reading or watching television extremely difficult. In fact, most patients with this issue end up dealing with persistent brow aches because they’re overutilizing their forehead muscles to hold up their sagging eyelids.

Can You Commit to the Recovery Process?

Patients thinking of undergoing blepharoplasty surgery must be committed to following Dr. Sato’s directions properly during their recovery period. This will help to avoid complications and make recovery as short and comfortable as possible.

The eyelids will remain swollen and bruised for up to three weeks after surgery. Taking time off from work will be necessary, and you’ll need to sleep with your head elevated to help control swelling.

Do You Understand What It Will and Won’t Improve?

Upper eyelid surgery is performed to remove excess skin from the upper eyelid and to tighten the remaining skin and muscle tissue. This will enhance the appearance of the eye and eliminate any vision issues caused by upper eyelid drooping.

However, this cosmetic surgery will not treat issues like crow’s feet that develop around the eyes. It’s best to discuss these other problems during your upper eyelid surgery consultation. This will allow Dr. Sato to tell you about complementary procedures that can address these issues.

Do You Understand How Long the Results Will Last?

Upper eyelid drooping is typically the result of the natural aging of the human body. While blepharoplasty surgery is an excellent way to eliminate excess eyelid skin for a more youthful appearance, it’s also important to note that the results may change over time. Since the natural process of aging will continue after your surgery, you can expect that the upper eyelids may experience sagging within five to seven years.

Are You a Safe Candidate for Upper Blepharoplasty?

Not all patients make good candidates for upper blepharoplasty surgery. Those who suffer from hypertension, chronic dry eye, thyroid disorders, heart disease, diabetes, and circulation disorders should avoid this type of cosmetic treatment.

Additionally, any patients who have unhealthy skin, unusually positioned eyebrows or eyelid margins, or a significant amount of discoloration may not be recommended for this procedure.

Contact Us Today

If you’re interested in finding out whether upper eyelid surgery is right for you, it’s best to meet with Dr. Erika Sato. Dr. Sato has the skill and experience required to evaluate your candidacy properly. Contact our office today to schedule your personalized consultation.

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